Custom Redline Goods shift boot


2012 Mazda2 Touring MT
I know I'm not the first to get one of these, but I wonder if I'm the first to actually get a custom one done instead of just the red stitched version. I ended up ordering a two-tone version (black and blue) and am very pleased with the product. While I was a little disappointed that the blue color didn't match the leather (or fake leather?) on my shift knob, that is hardly their fault. Maybe I'll have them wrap a shift knob for me, too?

Anyway, the leather is really nice, as is the stitching. I did have to cut a few more slots for the tabs underneath, but that was easy enough. The adapter was a little snug, but that's a good thing. Just used Gorilla Glue to tack it down on the top. Here's the picture, in case you missed it in the other thread:


Get yours here, today! :)
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I was bugged by the shift knob leather not matching, so I took it apart and measured it and have ordered some pieces from redline to match the blue. I'll post a pic of that once it gets here and I take care of it.
I was bugged by the shift knob leather not matching, so I took it apart and measured it and have ordered some pieces from redline to match the blue. I'll post a pic of that once it gets here and I take care of it.

Very nice I'm excited too see the update :D