Mazda5 Cruise Control swap?

Hello there!

I have a 2008 Mazda 5 TS2 without cruise control, which I have owned since new. My friend works in a car dealership and has received a 2007 'sport' with a blown up engine, which he intends to crush. Until the car is collected, I have free reign parts-picking wise.

I have taken the head unit, the better wheels, the roof railings, and a few other bits and pieces, but I am unsure how the cruise control works. Is it as simple as replacing my wheel with the one found on the sport? Has anyone done this or can anyone advise me on what to do?

Also, completely unrelated, what would take to make his gearbox work on my 5? His is a 2.0 6-speed while mine is a 1.8 5-speed. Another gear would be nice.

Thank you!