I have a 2014 CX 5. It's worked fine till a month ago where it didn't start sometimes. The battery apparently died and I replaced it. Still doesn't always start and when it doesn't there is always a buzzing sound coming from engine. Sometimes when buzzing sound stops, it will start. Last week came back from work, shut the car off and buzzing sound was on. Then it went off. Next morning is was miraculously back on without starting the engine and wouldn't starts. Removed the positive terminal and buzzing stopped then put terminal on and buzzing resumed and did not start. Couple of days ago came back from work, buzzing sound was on then turned off after a minute or so. Next morning was a loud clicking sound and the car would not start. Removed battery terminal clicking stopped. Put terminal back on and no clicking but buzzing instead and car would not start. Removed terminal. Later, put terminal back on, no buzzing and car started. Left terminal on overnight and car started this morning.
I am really frustrated. I've taken the car to the local shop, they said car computer needed to reset properly. Car worked for a while then did not start again. Took it to dealer, they said it was the fob battery and replaced it. Also did their system check which pointed to the fob battery. Didn't start again with new battery in both fob and car. The buzzing still is there and this clicking comes periodically and still didn't not start yesterday but it did today. It is driving me craze. Please help if anyone can. Thanks.
I am really frustrated. I've taken the car to the local shop, they said car computer needed to reset properly. Car worked for a while then did not start again. Took it to dealer, they said it was the fob battery and replaced it. Also did their system check which pointed to the fob battery. Didn't start again with new battery in both fob and car. The buzzing still is there and this clicking comes periodically and still didn't not start yesterday but it did today. It is driving me craze. Please help if anyone can. Thanks.