Brake light, TCS, wavy lines, and Oil light all on, power door locks and turn signal stopped all at once. WTH? checked the oil - its fine, all the fuses are good.
What do you mean wavy lines? Brake light as in E - brake light? Or what light? There were some wiring harness known issues with our early models. I have only ever once had a bunch of lights come on
I restarted and they went away. That was a year ago.
I saw similar "gremlin" warning lights that came on several times over a one week period and then went away. Started while driving on cruise control at highway speed. Nothing actually wrong and vehicle was fine. Only came across this thread while looking (six months later) for explanation for odd door locking issue (double clicking drivers door no longer unlocks other doors). In my case had nothing to do with battery which had been replaced a few months earlier.