2024 CX-5 with 5,000 km...A few questions

As for the whirring noise in the steering wheel, imagine backing out of your driveway onto the street. YOu cut your wheel sharply to get out on the street. And when you turn the steering wheel to stratighten the wheels to get moving forward, it makes the whirring noise.
Yep, I hear that too. Your steering is fine. What you mention about the engine and trans isn't.
ok well that's one thing off the list LOL.

THanks for verifying :)
Show your local dealer the engine oil level and the shift, get a video of the trans behavior too if you can.

Unless someone has redlined your car multiple times before the 5000km mark, excessive oil consumption and the surging shift is not normal and should be escalated.
Sharing my 2 cents.
I am also from Nova Scotia!
My 2022 Signature used to slip the the torque converter more when it's cold...that's normal, as others have said. I had a few others before the '22 (2018 Signature Mazda6 and a 2020 Signature CX5) that did the same thing.
Like others have said..the oil consumption is something you should mention to your dealer and monitor closely.

Best of luck
Already mentioned to them. It's going in for the first service (6 month) in a couple of weeks.
I have pics of the dipstick and oil level currently. I'll get the transmission slip video before I see them.

Where in NS are ya?
I feel for the OP and I too would be upset with the oil consumption and other issues, especially with a new car. My suggestion is to keep a paper trail of everything that's going on in case you don't get the satisfaction you are entitled to. Good luck to you... It's quite upsetting for a new car to have these issues.
Sounds at least that the trans issue is software related and will likely be resolved by the dealer.

As for the oil consumption, this is highly unlikely at your mileage, but it might be worth checking to see if there is any oil leaking somewhere in the engine bay.

this is hotly debated i know, but I personally would use thicker oil if consumption is a concern.

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