2019 CX-5 Leaking oil under the car

Generally, no, most owners do not have oil leaking issues with their 2.5 Turbo engines.

Where is the oil leaking from?
Any recent service done?
Have you put the car on jackstands or on a lift to get a better look at the underside?
Any recent collisions?

Need a bit more information and context, if possible.
Need a pic.
Thanks I just posted it and no the last service was in July.
No accidents and really she is babied. I always take time over speed bumps etc. and I am not sure why this happened.
Dealer cannot look at the car till Monday so I am worried about driving it.
Oil level is fine in car so far but the oil was all over the garage
In that area, it's highly likely (at least as viewed from the outside of the cover) to be either an oil filter or oil drain bolt that's not been properly tightened.

Hard to tell just from an exterior pic. Won't know until the cover's fully removed and the actual source can be seen.
Oil level is fine in car so far but the oil was all over the garage
Did you get a clear reading or was the entire dipstick covered? Oil needs time to settle down, at least 20-30 minutes in my experience, before you can get a clear reading on these cars.

If the oil level was half-way between the MIN and MAX, it's perfect, but I would still be concerned that you have a leak. It probably started out at MAX or even higher.

Remove the access cover and see if oil is on the oil pan/drain bolt or the oil filter.

Oil pan/drain bolt = torque it a bit with a 17mm
Oil filter = clean it off and torque it with rubber gloves. It should become hard to move further, but not impossible. At that point, it's enough.
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If the oil level is fine and you have that much oil on the floor and cover it must of been drastically overfilled. Who did the oil change in July?
Let the dealer solve this problem and report in writing to the leaderships OWNER and cc the service manager. I would do this because of the irresponsible service. In addition: the undercover should be removed and power-washed to remove any oil stains remaining.
Dealerships should provide a gold standard for service.
Let the dealer solve this problem and report in writing to the leaderships OWNER and cc the service manager. I would do this because of the irresponsible service. In addition: the undercover should be removed and power-washed to remove any oil stains remaining.
Dealerships should provide a gold standard for service.

What they should do and what they actually do, are two entirely different things!
2019 CX-5 has just over 20,000Km.

Lots of oil underneath the car.

Anyone else?
have cx-5 2019 also after 20k have oil leak had extensive oil dye and borescope done;
determined cracked and or casting imperfection at cylinder head above exhaust manifold
leaking engine oil.drop it off at Mazda dealer will see what they cover under warranty.
Warranty expired on 5/2003.