2018 CX-5 Looking for Backup Light wires in the trunk

Mazda CX-5 GS 2018

My driveway is pretty dark and I would like to wire some backwards facing fog ligs to come on when I put it in reverse. I had those on my old car and they worked great !

In my previous car, It was easy as the Reverse Lights where NOT located on the trunk door and I could easily access the harness.

What I am looking for is, where can I find the "wire/wires" that "activate" when I put the Car in reverse so I can tap into it to attach to my relay that turns on the fog Lights I'm gonna install ?
Or is there a Fuse that would get activated when in reverse ? I could also tap into the power wire for the backup camera... if someone has the info on that.... it would be much appreciated.
According to the wiring diagrams (available elsewhere on this forum), you can get the wire from the output of the RBCM behind the left panel in the trunk. Be warned, it's apparently easy to fry the RBCM (at least from stories about the Gen1) so do this at your own risk. Look for a brown wire at position 4S in connector 0940-102D. See pics...



I thought about those but since there are high powered LED backlight replacement bulbs that just pop in I decided I want to stay more 'stock'.

I read the thread on these LED rear fog lights and they ordered a set to try out. It should be fairly easy to find.

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