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  1. 6

    New turbo help!

    I guess your running WGA boost, why don't u have atleast a afc
  2. 6

    New turbo help!

    t3/t4 500 while the disco is much more.
  3. 6

    DiNovo Mini

    That's 120 CAD so cheap USD......
  4. 6

    my msp

    I'm not sure if you have already and I'm by far no pro. From what I read the stock turbo blows hot air after 16 psi. It looks like you have a massive core to cool it but it still might be something to look into. Edit: your speed is pizimp thou :)
  5. 6

    STI turbo on a MSP?

    How much do you plan on boosting, not done correctly the stock turbo is enough to break your motor. I would assume your bottom end is already built or you know of a leet tuner :)
  6. 6

    My guide on building a MSP

    yes we know Sam pwns, but u also pwn urself... Some ppl might consider that masturbation!
  7. 6

    DiNovo Mini

    I have a DiNovo Mini,EN I decided just to use an old XBOX for my media player so I don't need this anymore. It has about 7 hours of use, so my loss your gain. 120 + Shipping
  8. 6

    Max boost with stock block?

    Yeah, I had a buddy running 16 psi on the stocker - on his setup anything after 15-16 psi it was blowing hot air.. Adam
  9. 6

    Max boost with stock block?

    22psi on a blow dryer?
  10. 6

    Max boost with stock block?

    Lol (bow)
  11. 6

    Max boost with stock block?

    Can the stocker boost higher then 21?
  12. 6

    Forged Motor Build Plan

    Correct me if im wrong but wouldn't it be - "do it all or don't do anything"?
  13. 6

    Forged Motor Build Plan

    AWR oil pan +1
  14. 6

    tekkies car build

    How, it's a monster it must be FUN to drive comon!
  15. 6

    Going Away Sale-Ryoga28

    Just a FYI Ryoga28 is great to do buisness with. Why are you selling pal? Adam
  16. 6

    [Equinox] Debut pictures of m'car

    Cool !!
  17. 6

    [Equinox] Debut pictures of m'car

    bi, wtf do you do for a living? edit: nice ride :P