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  1. S

    The only girl thread fan club!

    This is for all the guys who like to read the only girl thread. It seems to be strangely arrousing!!! (crazy) (boobs) (boobs) (boobs) (butthump) (sssh) (kiss) (wink)
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    Is anything better than

    Your girlfriend telling you she's going on birth control? Last night the girl I've been seeing says she's going in to get the shot. This is frickin awesome. It's been a while since I've dated someone that I didn't have the constant nervousness in the back of my head.(spin) (spin) Goodbye...
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    Mine's 13 inches, I can prove it

    Ok, now that I have your attention, it is a pain in the ass to clear off 13 inches of snow. We got that much here in Omaha, and most of the time the wind was blowing about 30 MPH. I barely got to work this morning. I got snow tires, and they help but I am thinking about buying a beat up old...
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    Hey everyone, this is the first time I am taking a car in to get new plates in Nebraska and I want to know if any of my mods will be a problem with them when I get the inspection. Also does anyone have a ballpark guess on how much it is going to cost?
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    Pics for Soldiers overseas

    Hey, I was just wanting to know if you guys would like to help me out a little. I know that we have people from all over the country that use this board, and I have a friend that is in IRAQ for Christmas time. He is basically like my brother, and it's going to be the first Christmas our...
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    Where to go skiing in Colorado

    Hey everyone, I was wandering where you would recommend going skiing in Colorado for spring break. I am going to take my little brother who turned 21 this year and a bunch of our friends. He is in college so he wants to do the Spring break thing. I want somewhere where parties are gonna be...
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    Best thread ever?

    Just like it says, if you don't see it in the list please specify!!
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    Finally left Protegeclub! Woo HOO!!

    I finally stopped getting emails from I had asked almost a week ago to have someone retract my membership and finally someone did. I couldn't take the BS over there anymore. I was a member of both forums but registered here first. I had a few run ins with a-holes over here...
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    Xmods Are Here!!!!!

    Hey guys, as some of you know I manage a RadioShack here in Omaha. And if any of you remember the ZIPZAPS we had last year, you know what type of toys these are. They are a bigger version, and they have lots more options for customizing. I got the Nissan Skyline and I bought the body kit, all...
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    What is this Initial D stuff?

    I have heard a few people around here talk about it occasionaly.... I manage a RadioShack store and we have new ZipZaps with Initial D books. I know it's some kind of Japanese anime but I guess I don't get the fascination. Could someone maybe point out what I'm missing?
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    I am really glad this place exists!!

    Allright, so I used to cruise on protegeclub quite a bit in the past until they had their problems. Since then I have been here 98% of the time. But I posted to tell a new moderator how much of a moron he was being and my post got deleted. I am nice to people 99% of the time unless they are...
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    Cold Weather, Yeah!

    Okay, so I don't mind cold weather, I actually prefer it. But we all know how much our cars like the cold.... And with it starting to get cold here at night time, I am not looking forward to this winter with my car. Oh well, it's not really that big of a deal. At least I'm not bitchin about...
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    I'm sorry if I upset anyone!

    Hey, I posted on JDMDiva's post about how she needed advice cause she is having troubles with her man. I was joking around and I hope that is not why I cannot link to that thread anymore, also I tried to search for it and I can't find it anywhere!!
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    College Football 2004

    This is the official thread for all smack talk and predictions for the 2004 football season. I will be attending the Nebraska vs. Oklahoma State game tomorrow with 79000 other screaming people dressed in red. I know Nebraska had a down season last year, but hopefully this year will be a little...
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    F^ckin Dealer!!!

    OK, so I have about 13,000 miles on my car. And I admit I should have checked for a lug wrench when I bought my car. (I checked for a jack, and spare.) But stupid me, I thought they would include a lug wrench so I could put on a spare!! I was driving back from a meeting I had for work, and I...