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    How many of you...

    ....are waiting for the CX-30? Im an empty nester so Im ok with the loss of cubic footage. Is the consensus here that its pretty much Mazdas version of the BMW X4/6?
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    Off Topic: Post your Off Topic Pics here!

    Cool day at work!
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    2017~2025: So my CX-5 is back in America. Had it delivered at my local Mazda dealership and its

    So my CX-5 is back in America. Had it delivered at my local Mazda dealership and its getting a full service and Apple CarPlay installed.
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    2017~2025: Finally took her out

    Back from a business trip, so I get to drive the wife's new car! Sent from my iPhone 7+ using Tapatalk
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    Factory Reset -->Lost Navi

    Is this normal?! I have the compass now! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    So I'm turning in the '16 CX-5 tomnorrow...😞

    So here's my tribute collage of her, surrounded by history (Shipment, Old Hangar, Zeppelin Field in Nuremburg, Old German Villiage - 1600s) Now I have to wait for this to arrive....45 days from CO to Bavaria Germany....
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    2017 CX-5 Wipers

    I see many here bemoaning the new wiper system, specifically in reference to mounting the blades. How hard would it be to just go to the mazdaOEM webpage, order the '16 wiper arms and swap them with the '17 wiper arms? Would that work? Sent from my iPhone 7+ using Tapatalk
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    This is what loyalty gets you

    This will be my 3D CX-5 from the same sales-person Sent from my iPhone 7+ using Tapatalk
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    Left the wife's car and took a small outing

    Burg Lichtenau in Bavaria It was close to closing time and overcast, so nobody was there. I just pulled my car in as far as I could without getting in too much trouble and snapped some pics. I can't wait to swap out my winter wheel/tire set. Sent from my iPhone 7+ using Tapatalk
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    coding Fog lights?

    I've modded things in the CIC using the USB file, but I'm wondering if it's possible to code the fog lights to stay on even with High beams. anyone?
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    Replaced all four Rotors a week ago on my wife's CX-5. (notcool) It's high mileage but still....all four at ~20k miles? The good news? I'm closing the deal on a new Austin Yellow BMW M4 this week, all packages/options. (breakn)
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    Silver bumper accents

    I'm seeing CS-5s with on the lower bumpers. I think I want to get them. Is this something not offered in the US? thoughts?
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    LED Headlight Assy

    I've rooted around google and wasn't able to satisfy my curiosity. Does anyone have a blown apart diagram or pics of what a disassembled CX-5 headlight assy looks like and how they work? TIA
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    Navteq SDcard EUROPE - '16 CX-5

    I have been banging my head against the wall trying to acquire the EUROPE map data SD card for my CX-5. (bang) I've tried the Mazda SD Card App at the website, and I have also tried the page with ZERO luck. The German dealership must think I'm a stooge. NO WAY am I...
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    So my wife has bugs forever calcified on the front of her CX-5. I'm going to pay someone to fix that. But what do you all recommend to prevent this? Is there some kind of silicone spray or something that makes it easy to wipe off dried bug entrails? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Mazda mechanic/master code?

    My '16 CX-5 indicates that it's time to rotate the tires. My local Mazda dealer (in Germany) claims he doesn't know how to do this as German Mazdas apparently don't recommend the tire rotation after only 6 months. I can get the tires rotated at a local shop but I need to clear the message...
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    Key Fob Replacement

    OK, when I received my new Mazda in Germany (shipped from the US), one of the key fobs was lost by the shipper. I have received the claim payout, and thought I could just call my dealer in the US and have them program/send me a new key fob. Apparently, they can't just do that. They need both...