I bought the Kartboy shifter and bushings and installed it no trouble, excpept I have one problem. The shifter is moving up and down (vertically) and I don't know why. It goes into 1st, 3rd, and 5th no problem, but 2nd 4th and reverse are hard to get into. If I push down on it (I guess in the position its supposed to be) it goes into the latter gears ok. So I don't thing it's banging into anything on the bottom of the car because it is able to get in to all the gears if I position it just right. I think it might be that annoying little spring on top, but I can't be too sure. I had trouble getting that in but no I get it in almost every try, obviously I have tried removing it and putting it back in a few times. It frustrates me that it's this LAST little piece that is probably causing me all the problems. PLEASE HELP! I just need to figure out how to keep it in place vertically..